Spinach and Grilled Chicken Salad

Spinach and Grilled Chicken Salad

I’ve been into spinach leaf salads lately.  Mostly because of a major recall of contaminated lettuces.  So, a couple of days ago I made my version of a “Spinach and Grilled Chicken Salad”.


  • Baby Spinach Leaves, 1/2 of bag
  • Carrots, slivered, 1 cup (I buy the already slivered bags)
  • Onion, white, chopped – 1/4 cup
  • Cherry tomatoes, sliced in half – 1 cup
  • Chicken strips, frozen (1 20 oz bag, plain or seasoned – used plain for this salad)
  • Slivered almonds – 1/4 cup
  • Sliced mushrooms – 1/4 cup
  • Shredded cheddar cheese – 1 cup or large handful
  • Virgin Olive Oil – 2-4 tablespoons
  • Pepper – to taste
  • Garlic powder, 1-2 teaspoon



  1. Image of grilled chicken strips in skilletPour 2 tablespoons of olive oil into a heated skillet.
  2. Add onion, saute until onion is translucent.
  3. Add frozen grilled chicken strips and saute at medium heat for several minutes.
  4. Add mushroom slices and continue to saute.
  5. Sprinkle with garlic and pepper and drizzle a little more olive oil in.
  6. Saute until chicken is hot and lightly grilled.
  7. Turn off heat and save grilled mixture.
  8. Add all the baby spinach leaves, carrots, tomatoes, cheese and almonds to a large mixing bowl with a lid to seal.
  9. Sprinkle with olive oil – about 2-3 tablespoons
  10. Place lid on the bowl to seal and shake to mix ingredients and oil.
  11. Fill salad serving plates with leave mixture and spoon heated chicken mixture on the top.
  12. Serve as a plated salad meal.



Image of spinach salad mix

Image of grilled chicken salad and spinach on plate


Makes 4 plated salads


I offer this salad recipe free to those in need. I served it as a salad meal with iced tea.


I enjoy getting comments and questions.  Please leave yours below. – Shirley

Note:  This post may contain affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a purchase made, I receive a small commission (with no extra cost to you).


  • GeeEss

    Wow Shirley! Thanks for the lovely recipe. We have prepared the Spinach and Grilled Chicken Salad and enjoyed it thoroughly. Can I suggest a twist? You can add a few pomegranate seeds and some orange juice before you shake the mixture inside the mixing bowl. The salad becomes all the more tasty for the kids due to the sweet burst of pomegranate and the tang of the orange. 

    • admin

      GeeEss, thanks for visiting my blogsite and your comment.  That idea of pomegranate and orange juice is interesting I need to try that next time I make it.  Thanks for suggesting adding those to he recipe.  Thanks again for reading my blog and your kind comment.  Best wishes. -shirley

  • Imran

    Hi Shirley, I tried the recipe on my own and I just loved it, it gave me a great salad option to add to my everyday meals. My wife doesn’t eat meat but I think she will love this salad. What can I replace the chicken with so the salad becomes vegetarian and still taste great? Thanks!Imran

    • admin

      Imran, thank you for visiting my website and for your comments.  Your wife could replace the grilled chicken with chick peas for added protein if she likes.  Thanks again for your feedback. -shirley

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