Warm Spinach and Ham Salad

Image of WarmSpinachAndHamSalad3Warm Spinach and Ham Salad


I’m still creating salads using spinach leaves  Mostly because of a major recall of contaminated lettuces.  So, a couple of days ago I made my version of a “Warm Spinach and Ham Salad.


  • Baby Spinach Leaves, 2-4 Cups
  • A large round thick slice of ham – cut into small square pieces of 1/2 inch each
  • Onion, white, chopped – 1/4 cup
  • Olive Oil 2-4 tablespoons
  • Minced garlic, 1-2 tablespoon
  • Boiled eggs, 2, sliced
  • Broth (beef, chicken or bone), 1/4 cup
  • Feta cheese crumbles – 2-4 tablespoons



  1. Pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil into a heated skillet.
  2. Add onion, minced garlic, and ham pieces
  3. Saute until ham is showing grilled brown edge
  4. Add spinach leaves, broth and saute a few more minutes covered.
  5. Turn off heat and mix ingredients and divide mixture into two salad bowls.
  6. Sprinkle each salad with sliced eggs and feta cheese crumbles
Image of WarmSpinachAndHamSalad2 Image of WarmSpinachAndHamSalad Image of WarmSpinachAndHamSalad4


Makes 2 bowls of salad


I offer this salad recipe free to those in need. I served it as a salad meal with iced tea and a banana-blueberry fruit salad.


I enjoy getting comments and questions.  Please leave yours below. – Shirley

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