A Tropical Salad

Tropical “Dessert” Salad

Image of Tropical Dessert SaladI was ready for a different kind of salad, so I created this “tropical dessert” salad for a different taste.  I used Kale as the green for this one. I also created a sweet dressing to put in it.

I wanted to add Kiwi also but forgot to pick them up when I was shopping for the ingredients.

I served this with crab cakes and wine for my husband and some neighbor buddies of ours.


  • Image of Tropical Dessert SaladKale, chopped -3-4 cups
  • Pineapple rings, rinsed and cut into bite-sized pieces – 1cup (I used 1 can)
  • Grape tomatoes washed and sliced in half- 1/3 cup
  • Roma Tomatoes – washed and sliced into rounds – 2
  • Strawberries washed and sliced -1 cup
  • Blueberries washed -1 cup
  • Orange peeled and cut into pieces – 1
  • Olive oil – 2-3 tablespoons
  • Shredded Coconut 1-2 tablespoons for each individual salad serving
  • Slivered almonds. Small pkg


  • Image of Tropical Dessert SaladLime and lemon juice 2-3 tablespoons fresh or from squeeze bulbs
  • Honey – 1/4 cup
  • Plain Greek Yogurt – 1 cup



  1. Image of Tropical Dessert SaladChop kale and place in a large mixing bowl.
  2. Drizzle with olive oil and mix.
  3. Cut all fruit into bite-size pieces except blueberries and put in separate mixing bowl and mix together.
  4. Mix (mix well) greek yogurt with lemon and lime juice for dressing.
  5. Pour dressing over mixed fruit and stir.
  6. Add fruit to bowl with chopped kale.
  7. Seal with lid and shake to mix.
  8. Chill in Refrigerator.
  9. Serve and let guests sprinkle with coconut and almonds as they want.

Makes 3-4 servings

Image of Tropical Dessert Salad Image of Tropical Dessert Salad Image of Tropical Dessert Salad


I offer this salad and dressing recipe free to those in need.


I enjoy getting comments and questions.  Please leave yours below. – Shirley

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