Spinach and Alvacodo Salad

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Spinach and Avocado Salad

Mel and I have a wonderful older neighbor who invites us over for dinners (like Thanksgiving meals) and sometimes when she feels like cooking a lot. (she is a wonderful cook)  We usually share some of our wine with her and I bring something to go along with her meal.

This past Friday, she invited us to share her pot roast meal. I made this salad to take as my contribution. So It was served with her delicious roast, potatoes and carrots, gravy and hot rolls.




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My husband shared some Merlot wine with her and I tried out my first Dailys Frozen Bahama Mama iced drink.

This was a wonderful meal and the salad was perfect with just a small amount of ranch dressing I had to go with it.


  • Spinach leaves organic washed, chopped into smaller pieces
  • Cucumbers 1 large, sliced into rounds
  • Alvacodas – 2 Medium, removed and chopped into small pieces
  • Grape tomatoes, sliced in half – 1 cup
  • Kravens. 3-4 tablespoons
  • Shredded cheddar cheese, about 1/2 cup
  • Ranch dressing  2-6 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice – 4 tablespoons
  • Olive oil, 2-3 tablespoons
  • Strawberries. 12 large, sliced, washed and tops trimmed off.


*note, you can go to my Pampered Chef store and purchase your own great kitchen tools like my salad choppers.  


  1. Take washed spinach lives and chop into smaller pieces (I use my Pampered Chef Salad Chopper).  Place in mixing bowl.
  2. Toss in sliced cucumbers and alvacoda pieces along with sliced grape tomatoes
  3. Drizzle olive oil over salad.
  4. Drizzel lemon juice over salad to help preserve alvacoda color.
  5. Seal and mix
  6. Sprinkle Kravens and shredded cheese over top an seal blow
  7. Keep cool until time to serve.
  8. Right before serving seal and shake agail to mix cheese and kravens in.
  9. Serve
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Makes a large bowl of salad from which to serve.  Be sure and shake sealed bowl well to mix before serving from it.


I offer this salad recipe free to those in need.


I enjoy getting comments and questions.  Please leave yours below. – Shirley

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